
Last days to register for the “Critical App Challenge”

airbus critical app challenge ASTRID User Days

If you are a developer with a passion for the world of the emergency services, you can register until Friday 14 September for the “Critical App Challenge”. Airbus is inviting the Belgian developers’ community to create innovative solutions aimed at public security. Some twenty candidates have already registered.  

Airbus Airbus has kicked off the innovation initiative “Critical App Challenge” for Belgium to set in motion developers and start-ups in Belgium to create the best applications for public safety users. Airbus is giving life to a digital ecosystem for its secure device Tactilon Dabat, an Android smartphone and TETRA radio in one. The aim is to establish new digital solutions to help police, firefighters and other professionals improve their work. Airbus says it has already received some twenty candidatures. Start-up companies and app creators from Belgium are asked to register by Friday 14 September at the latest on the website: Airbus will closely examine all proposals and will discuss them with the respective candidates.

An expert jury will then select the best participants who can show the most promising and feasible results at the end of September. The results will be made public at the ASTRID User Days.

The Critical App Challenge’s concept is based on the idea of hackathons: Software pioneers, user interface designers, and business managers work together intensively in a limited amount of time towards building proofs of concept for innovative digital solutions.


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